matelso Conversion Tracking

Control Panel Call Routing

What must be considered before setup and how is Conversion Tracking then configured in the Control Panel?

Before setup, a few important points on your side must be clarified:

1. Requesting setting

What should be requested?
Button 1=
Button 2=

2. Sound files

Should a sound be played before the call? (call whisper):
e.g. “Please stay on the line after the call to evaluate it”
This serves to ensure that the call recipient does not forget the evaluation that follows the call.
IMPORTANT: If you are using a queue system, the call whisper cannot be used. If this is the case, please speak to us.

Which sounds should be used during the request that follows the call?
Example: “Please press 1 for A, 2 for B, etc.”
These sound files are created by you and saved in the Control Panel:
Administration > File Browser

Information about the file browser:



-> Experience shows that the request should be kept as brief as possible, in order to shorten the time taken by the Conversion Tracking.
-> The call whisper is played BEFORE the call and cannot be heard by the caller. If the call is connected internally, it is NOT played again.
-> The evaluation request is ALWAYS made to the called participant in the conversation who was last on the line. They stay on the line after the call is ended by the caller.

OFFER: If you need help in creating the sound files, we are able to do this for you as a consulting service. Please contact us if required.

3. Integration of the evaluation data in analysis tools

The Conversion Tracking data can also be sent to Google Universal Analytics. To do this, a push configuration is created in the Control Panel:



A goal for the evaluation data in Google Universal Analytics is also created



It is not possible to send the data to Google Ads. However, it is possible to evaluate it at campaign/keyword level in Google Universal Analytics.

4. Last but not least:

Please make sure your employees know how important it is to submit the evaluation after the call.
If they do not do this, you will not receive any meaningful data.

Conversion tracking configuration in the Control Panel: